
© 2025 Nina Berfelde. All rights reserved.

Walking Thinking Academy

artistic, scientific & artistic-scientific interventions & walkshops

We are the Walking Thinking Academy. We offer a wide range of artistic, scientific and artistic-scientific walkshops. These walkshops are modular and provide adaptable structures. All walkshops offer tools and methods which help to open up perception, thought processes, resilience, creativity and value systems. Please get in touch via – we are happy to draft a concept which accommodates your needs. We approach our formats with care and thoughtfulness, and we ask you to do the same when it comes to compensating our energy, input & invisible labor.

About time: The period of walking, the time of engaging or resting and the period afterwards, because the found objects, ideas and perceptions continue to develop and interact with each other.

About space: Through experiences, perceptions and encounters, traversed space becomes a place with (personal) meaning. The space enables (a)synchronous exchange and inscription (of oneself, a group, objects, history/histories, meanings).

About walkshops: Spatial confrontation, exploration of new spaces, new experience of familiar spaces, the relation of time/s and space/s, the relation of space and all its inhabitants. Sustainably affecting neuronal connections and broadening of perspectives, conception, cognition, resilience, mental health, somatic practices and work-life-balance.


About the Modular Walkshop Formats:


Finde-Walk (“Finding”- Walk)

A research walk. What found objects or ephemera on the path, at the edge, in the thicket tell, hint at and suggest about the time, the place and its purpose. About what we have found and what we have brought with us: When we take material or immaterial things with us, we extract. By leaving something in the space, we enable exchange and circularity. What can a space give to me, what can I offer to it and leave in exchange?



Light, shadow, chalk. Making time(s) visible. Which lines the space conceals and/or hints at and how these lines, exposed with chalk, offer the space additional dimensions. Questioning the obvious and the invisible. How fast is the planet we currently live on turning? About chalk: It is minimalist, low-material and non-invasive. It can be used to draw hourly protocols in space and make the constantly changing invisible lines visible for a short time. The transience of the material and the inscription in turn open up potential for both continuation and erasure.


Desire Path-Walk

About desires and needs: Sufficient fulfilment of needs is the basis for mental and physical well-being, balance and a good mood. If our needs are not adequately fulfilled over a longer period of time, people react with e.g. lack of concentration, aggression, bad mood, depression, introversion, etc. Needs consist of the collective, intersectional balancing of desires. Off the beaten track to uncover what is hidden in the room. Overcome or bypass obstacles and barriers. Having the choice, making decisions and finding new passages along desire(d) paths. Why do we walk certain paths and why not? And what can we take home after we followed our urge and walked a desired path instead of a well-trodden one?


Radical Play-Walk

Dice and the city as a game board. The destination is predetermined, but the dice decides where the route goes and how we reach the destination. We leave our own impulses behind and resist them in order to break new ground. There can be jokers to adapt the rules. The process is accompanied, documented and reflected on afterwards. Which rules need to be changed and how in order to reach the goal? About dice and chance: Success also depends on the actions of other/external factors. This results in obstacles and opportunities, the potential of which is conceptualized by negotiation processes within the participants.


These Formats work individually and as modules conjoined. They can last from a couple of hours to a few consecutive days, and will be conceptualized according to your needs, capacity & goals. We offer somatic practice as introduction; hence participants get grounded in their bodies and activate their senses. Reflection and expression of the walkshop experience is offered via a mobile workshop with all materials needed (from creating a collage to showing a film), as well as art mediation and facilitation on site. Plus: an integrated pizza making station/oven.


About Facilitators:

Nina Berfelde (media artist, cultural anthropology)
Dr. Alexandra Appel (social geography)
Nicole Pearson (theatre artist)
Linda Furker (fine artist)
and many more

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